Image description: A meeting of the Seniors For Sam supporter group
As Mayor, Samantha will continue to be an advocate for seniors and veterans in our community. She worked five years at the New Horizons assisted living facility and has served 4 years as vice-chair of the Veterans Committee of the City Council.
As Mayor, Samantha will ensure a high quality of life and aging with dignity for our seniors. With the increasing isolation seniors experience, the rising cost of living and need for further city resources, Sam will ensure that the viewpoint of seniors informs policy decisions.
Sam will:
Build new senior housing to support older residents in our city as it has been over 30 years since the city last built senior housing.
Expand the tax work write-off program to help seniors on fixed incomes who cannot afford to pay the increased taxes.
Increase hours at the senior center and offerings for programming tailoring to different interests
Improve and sustain our senior shuttle service that takes seniors to doctor appointments during the day
We are fortunate to also have a robust Seniors for Sam program, local residents over 65 who are supporting Samantha Perlman for Mayor. If you would like to get involved, email Alli at
As Vice Chair of the Council Veterans Committee for four years, Sam is an advocate for veterans in Marlborough. Both of her grandfathers served our country fighting in World War II. She is a frequent face at the Memorial Day and Veterans Day events in the City and appreciates the Veterans Council for welcoming her and requesting her to be on the Veterans Committee. Sam will:
Support veterans to open up businesses, particularly downtown, and partner with the Marlborough Economic Development Corporation to access toolbox grant funding for veterans
Work with our Veterans Agent to increase access to mental health services and ensure veterans can afford to remain in Marlborough
Regularly attend Veterans Council meetings
Improve historical preservation of veteran graves and markings at the cemeteries
Offer educational training, pathways to municipal service and jobs in our variety of industries here locally for veterans
Collect better data around the number of veterans in Marlborough to access further state and federal grant funding and improve existing local programs